This is the only stallion auction website software that was designed specifically for equine associations. Stallion Auctions, Benefit Auctions, Youth Scholarship Auctions and Year End Banquet Auctions are just easy ways for your association to make MORE money.
Speaking of money... the last three auction seasons averaged over 1300 Stallions sold, more than 10,400 bids processed, and over $1,500,000 raised annually!
We designed and built our first stallion auction for the Pacific Coast Cutting Horses Association back in 2007. Since that time we have worked with over 25 various horse associations to design and build stallion auctions that work for them to make them money! We have listened to all the feature requests and have rolled them all up into a brand new modern design that is easy for the bidders AND easy for the association to manage.
Plus this software can be used for any type of auction that an association needs.
- Stallion Service Website Auctions
- Youth Fundraising Website Auctions (for example:youth scholarships)
- Member Benefit Website Auctions (for example: fund raiser for members with health issues).
- Trainer Website Auctions
- Year End Banquet Website Auctions - Live and Online!
Live & Upcoming Auctions
(Dates are typically updated in the fall/early winter each year as associations plan their schedules)
Click on Auction name to visit website.
Auction Features
This is probably the biggest issue we have heard over the years were deadbeat bidders. People who bid, but then never paid. The associations had little recourse. Now you can require a credit card be entered securely before people can bid!
Now the software allows the bidder to pay online for their purchases as well as the Administrator can process them.
Along with the credit card processing, the software can be configured to add a percentage to the total to help Associations recover their added costs using credit cards.
Just like eBay, a bidder can put in a Maximum Bid and the software will continue to automatically increase the bid by the minimum bid increment until the Maximum Bid is reached. This way a bidder can set a bid and forget it. But don't worry, they will get an email when ever the automatic bidding kicks in. They will always know where they stand!
This is a configured amount of time, for example
5 minutes, that is added on to the time left to bid
for each horse at the end of the auction. This
allows bidders to continue bidding past the auction
conclusion and there is no longer a race to get your
bid in at the last possible second!
this scenario: A bidder Jones enters a bid for
Sparky for $1000 with 3 minutes left in the auction.
Sparky's time to the end of his auction is extended
5 minutes, 2 minutes past the overall conclusion of
the auction. Bidder Smith really wants Sparky.
Smith bids $1500 for Sparky when there was 1 minute
left on Sparky's extended time which extends it
another 5 minutes. Jones decides he has had
enough, puts in a bid for $3000! Smith decides
that he does not want poor Sparky that bad and stops
bidding. 5 minutes after Jones's last bid,
Sparky's auction closes for good.
Bidders can choose horses as Favorites and only view the Favorites. This helps when there are lots of horses in the auction as it allows the bidders to more easily keep track of the horses they are interested in.
Bidders at anytime can view all their bids, only the bids they are winning or only the bids they have lost. This insures bidders know exactly what they have bid and where they stand.
When a bidder registers, they are sent a link to verify there email address. This helps prevent spammers and fraud as the email address used for their account must be legitimate.
Bidders receive emails when they register, when they bid, when they are out bid, when they have won the auction and when they purchased a stallion at the 'Buy It Now' price.
Bidders can have an email sent to them to reset their password when they forget it.
Stallions can have much more information added to their details page, along with as many images as they want and even videos (YouTube).
Horses can be entered into a 'Reference Sires' category where bids are not permitted. This allows for more background on the stallions in the auction.
When a bidder has bid on stallion, that stallion will have a bright border around it and will let the bidder know visually if they have the winning bid or if they have been outbid.
Works and looks great on any size device, from a TV to a Phone.
The administrator can modify the number of stallions on one page and it displays paging icons to jump to specific pages. This is great for auctions with many stallions!
Allows searching for any stallion's name.
The auction can be configured for other types of auctions as well. Consider a fund raising auction, or other types of auctions that associations run at banquet time.